Saturday, February 22, 2025

Birthstone privilege



Fabric ball - approx 3"   February 22, 2025 

The challenge this week is to create something inspired by our personal birthstone. I'm a September baby, so mine is Sapphire. I've been really busy with other (secret) projects,  so I created one of my fabric balls - I've been making these colorful, beaded, embroidered balls as 'in front of the TV' type handwork.  So far I have a whole bowl of them in various sizes. 

For project quilting, I'll say they 'qualify' because they are made of layers,  that are stitched together by hand. 

They start out as socks that are headed for the rag basket, which I stuff with fabric and batting scraps.  

Then I start wrapping with fabric strips (usually selvage edges, rescued from the trash)

The final layer is strips of a single color, as I'm enjoying these as jewels. 

Then I embroider them to hold down the edges of each strip and add beads, buttons and decorative yarns. 
Here are a few more, a big green one, and a few small blues: 


What a privilege to live in a society where we all know our birthstone; where we are not lacking basic food, safety, civil liberties; where the fact of our birth in the USA confers us with citizenship and all that comes with it. Or, like me, because my family arrived 'the right way' or at the right time, I was allowed to become a naturalized citizen.  We are living in a time where citizenship and birthright are being questioned, where some humans and their life experiences count less than others.  Yet, like these fabric balls, its the diversity of fabric and found objects that makes each one unique.  Let's consider the beauty in each unique human who makes it to our shores.  Let's welcome them and find out about them and the culture they have to share.  The current political climate is NOT the way forward, is NOT the makings of the wonderful diverse community that has been and could be the United States of America. 

Let's do better. 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Turning 3 common building blocks into Chaos


 mini quilt  9" x 10"  February 9, 2025 

For this week's challenge, we were encouraged to work with 3 common quilt blocks, the foundation of our craft. For example a 9-patch, or an Ohio Star, or Log Cabin, any 3 blocks. However, my mind is full of the chaos in the 3 branches of the US Government in the 3 years weeks since the inauguration of #47.    

I knew about a common block called Courthouse Steps, a log cabin variant, that could represent the judicial system.  Then I did a search for blocks that could represent the executive and legislative branches of government.  Using the very useful treasure that is the Quilter's Cache online source for quilt blocks, I used the alphabetical list to find Road to the Whitehouse and Rotunda.  

I drafted each one so they would be about the same size, and use the same size strips.


Then I made the 3 blocks in analogous colors of blue, teal and green:

I thought I would use the method for disappearing 9-patch, which cuts a 9-patch into quarters and creates a new block by rotating the pieces and sewing back together, but after cutting the Rotunda block this way, my possible cuts on the White House block was looking much too controlled.  So I made random diagonal cuts on the White House and Courthouse blocks.  Then randomly sewed them together to get the mini quilt in the top photo. 

Finally, I cut a long 1/2" strip of red, and trimmed the end to look like the tie of #47.  This long red tie is often used in editorial cartoons and other images to represent him. 

Rather than square this up, I trimmed it all at these odd angles, further representing the 'not business as usual' moment we are in.  

What a mess. I'm exhausted by the pace of the disruption in all branches of government, which is the point.  And we haven't seen the worst of it I'm afraid.  Luckily there is some small pushback by some legislators and some judges, but I'm not sure it will hold.  I hope it does. 

Take care of yourself and your family.  Watch out for your vulnerable neighbors. We are going to need each other. 
