Material Evidence

During the COVID19 Pandemic of 2020, there was a severe shortage of medical grade face masks for both health care workers and the general public.  The CDC guidelines are that "as a Last Resort one should use a bandanna or a scarf." Although there was a lot of controversy about the effectiveness of DIY fabric face masks, I responded by making hundreds of the masks and sending them to whoever asked.  

I am part of the volunteer army of women sewists responding to the call to action during this war against the virus. 

First mask 

First mask for Neil 

Start Sewing

 Lots of cutting and pinning

All the right tools

48 years of experience using a sewing machine

A batch of masks 

More masks 

Packages to be mailed out

Protecting masks in plastic 

Lots of packages  (over 100 packages mailed in 7 weeks) 

More masks

Running out of elastic

My machine is getting a work out! 

Family wearing masks 

 Friends wearing masks

Masks sent all over the country

Mask on a windy day - feeling protected

Little one will wear a mask if it matches mama

Health care workers in fabric face masks are NOT properly protected.  
This is 'material evidence' of the failure of our capitalist free market system to provide PPE for our front line workers.

In 7 weeks I've made 478 masks.

I'm still making masks.  
Let me know if you need one.


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